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في مادة في المستوى الثالث و هي مادة برمجة و إسمها computer programming و رمزهاCS140.

الطلاب و الطالبات حيتعلموا البرمجة عن طريق لغة الجافااللغة عجبتنيبعد تعلم مهارات في هذا الكورس، الشخص يقدر يسوي برامج بسيطة عن طريق الـ Java.
هتدرسوا لغة برمجة إسمها Java و الأفضل أنكم ما تغيبوا و تسألوا إذا ما فهمتوا شي في الكلاس. كل شابتر يعتمد على الشابتر إللي قبله مثل معظم الكورسات.

هذي أسماء لبعض الأشياء في الكتاب:

Hello, World



class implementation

fundamental data types

if statements and switch



مواقع الكتب

من التبويبات أعلى الصفحة في المواقع تستطيعون تحميل موارد إضافية 

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لمراجعة مادة البرمجة هنا
تسجيلات لفصول افتراضية للمادة:
week 1
week 2
week 3
week 4
week 5


Course Information

 Department: Information  Technology Code: CS140 Course Title: Computer  Programming I
 Semester: 3 Credit Hours: 3 credit  hours Prerequisites: Pass the  preparatory year

Course Description

This course is to introduce the students to the principles of computer analysis of problems, design of algorithms. programming and testing using the Java programming language. Topics include problem analysis basics of programming, data types, control structures, functions, arrays, and the mechanics of running, testing and debugging.
Face to Face (F2F) and Virtual (online) classes will each be held once per week. Please refer to your class schedule for the days and times of these classes. Your professor will provide instructions on how to attend the virtual class. Participation in these classes is mandatory, and to do well in this course, it is expected that you attend all sessions. If there is some reason you cannot attend a class, please notify your professor.


  • Horstmann, C. (2013). Big Java: Early Objects (4th ed) and Java Concepts (6th ed) (WileyPLUS blended edition). John Wiley & Sons. ISBN: None. Note: This book will be used again in CS141.

Learning Outcomes

  1. Design algorithms using pseudo-code, flowcharts, and structured charts.
  2. Use programming language elements including syntax, data types, conditional statement, control structures, procedures and arrays in order to create a program based on specification.
  3. Use Integrated Development Environment (IDE for the editing, building, debugging, and testing of programs.

Major Topics Covered in the Course

  1. Introduction to programming
    1. Computational Thinking
    2. Programming languages
  2. Algorithms
    1. Pseudo-code
    2. Flowcharts
    3. Structured Charts
  3. Core Elements of Programs
    1. Syntax
    2. Data Types
    3. Conditional Statement
    4. Control Structures
  4. Procedures and Functions
  5. Arrays
  6. Use Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for the editing, building, debugging, and testing of programs.

Course Point Distribution

  • Course work (assignments, quizzes, projects, case studies, board discussion): 25%
  • Midterm Exam: 25%
  • Final Exam: 50%

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