الشباتر الداخلة بالإختبار:
test bank here
Weeks: 2-4--5-6-7 (according to BB)
WEEK2: CHAPTER 1: Introduction to Technical communication
WEEK 3: / (not included)
WEEK4: CHAPTER 5: Recognizing Ethical Issues in Technical Communication
WEEK5: CHAPTERS: 6 & 7: - Structuring Information for your readers (chap.6) –
WEEK 6: CHAPTER 11: Memos and Letters(ONLY).
WEEK 7: CHAPTER: 13 Descriptions (ONLY).
Week 8: Material not included in the Midterm Exam.
The exam may contain question formats, such as:
- Fill in the blanks
- True or false questions
- Multiple choice
- Answering short questions
- Answering a question with a paragraph
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